Statický vyvažovací ventil série PHF-J

V súlade s medzinárodnými normami

Vhodné pre domáce, kancelárske a priemyselné aplikácie

Odolnosť voči vysokej teplote a tlaku

Lacné a dobré

What does HVAC-PHF-J do?

Static flow balancing valves is used in hydraulic system. It can balance the flux in the end or every branch in the system accurately. Water

system's balance is the premise for normal operation. The system can provide maximum comfort and the least energy consumption in this

premise. Screw connection valves' body adopts Venturi flow meter. It makes the flow regulation be more accurate and the flow monitor be


Vlastnosti produktu

◆ Body material: DN15-DN50 brass, DN65-DN150 gray cast

◆ iron maximum working pressure: 16bar

◆ Operating range: -20~120℃

◆Medium: water and ethylene glycol, ethylene glycol ≤50%


◆Sealing material: EPDM

Scale: DN15-DN50:0-6 DN65-DN150:0-7

Vlastnosti produktu

◆ System's terminal can operate under heating,refrigeration and arefaction. It will not cause     

    energy waste and the comfort can be ensured.

◆ Pump works at the best position.And there is no overheat or wastage.

◆ No noise and pipe corrosion.

◆ Temperature adjustment valve always works under normal differential pressure range.

obraz produktu