ODM / OEM storitev / velika zmogljivost / nizka raven hrupa / enoletna poprodajna storitev
(PDF)DDF-XK series motorized valve is available for controlling centralair conditioning and water heating system's opening and closing to control the room temperature. The control valve depends on the paraffin wax propeller drive the spring to reset.The actuator is normally closed when it doesn't work.If it needs to work, the thermostat will provide a signal of opening,then the actuator will gets the power to work. Opening the valve,the cold and hot water will come into the fan coil to provide the cold or hot air. when the set temperature is achieved,the thermostat will cut off the actuator 's power,then the reset spring can close the valve to stop the water which flow into the coil. So the room temperature is always maintained within the set range by the valve's opening and closing.The actuator and valve is connected by clamp connection way. Actuator should be installed after the valve. The installation is very convenient.Actuator installation can be close to the wall to save space. This product is durable and reliable .The operating noise is very low.
Material Material telesa: kovana medenina
◆ Material stebla: medenina
◆ Tesnilni material: nitrilna guma (NBR)
◆ Delovni medij: hladna / vroča voda
Temperature Temperatura tekočine: 2-94 ℃
Tlak: 1.6MPa
◆ Temperatura okolice: 0-65 C ℃ največja relativna vlažnost ne rosi
Time Čas potovanja: 11 ~ 15 sekund
Tor Navor motorja:> 800 gf.cm
● Za stolpnice je treba na spodnjem kraku uporabiti redukcijski ventil.
● Ohišje motorja naj preprečuje pronicanje vode. Ko je ventil nameščen, pogon ne sme biti pod cevjo.
● Ko je ventil nameščen na navpični cevi, mora biti ohišje motorja zaščiteno pred kapljanjem.
● Ročna ročica; Ko ročno ročico počasi premikate po puščici in pritisnete v zarezo, je ventil običajno odprt. Kadarkoli tok prvič prehaja skozi motorni ventil, se ročna ročica ponastavi v samodejni položaj.
● Če pogon ni vnaprej nameščen na ohišju ventila, med namestitvijo najprej potisnite upravljalno ročico po smeri puščice v spodnji utor, pritisnite črni gumb na pogonu, ga položite na ohišje ventila in ga spustite, nato lahko ga namestite. Če želite razstaviti, ponovite zgornje korake.
● Opomba: smer pretoka vode mora biti enaka puščici na ohišju ventila; pogona med namestitvijo ne smete uporabljati kot oporno točko sile.