Histerezni sinhroni motor serije Hengsen DJ

Small volume, large power

It can be adapted to different power sources

Dolga življenjska doba

high Capacity

What does Hysteresis Synchronous Motor

Hysteresis synchronous motor is a small power synchronous motor that is started and operated by the hysteresis torque generated on the rotor.

Lastnosti izdelka

◆ Hysteresis motor has the advantages of simple structure, easy start-up and low noise, but its transient stability is poor and its efficiency is low. In the occasion of requiring lower speed, gear is needed to reduce speed.

◆ The hysteresis motor has a large starting torque, can be pulled in synchronously and stably operated in a synchronous state, has a simple structure, reliable operation , and has a small starting current and low electromagnetic noise. It is specially suitable for driving loads with large rotational inertia, constant speed,frequent starting and constant torque.Typical application area:valve control.

Lastnosti izdelka

◆ V predprodajnih in poprodajnih storitvah smo zavezani, da bomo vsaki stranki zagotovili najboljše poslovne izkušnje in izvedli kakovostno sledenje za vsako naročilo. Naši uslužbenci bodo kadar koli vzdrževali predprodajne smernice in poprodajne storitve z vsakim uporabnikom, naši strokovni tehniki pa bodo brezplačno zagotovili odpravljanje napak pri namestitvi in ​​celovite storitve tehničnega vodenja.
