Two way flow, can be installed at will/The structure of the whole valve port is matched with the inner diameter of the pipe fitting, with large flow, small resistance and no pressure drop
(PDF)Small fluid resistance,simple structure, small size, light weight, compact and reliable, good sealing performance, convenient operation,quick on/of, convenient maintenance, wide range of application.
Welding process-laser welding
◆ After laser focusing, the power density is high.When high power devices are welded, the micro structure and properties of the weld are very good.
◆ It can be used for micro welding, with even and beautiful welding surface, more environmental protection and cleaning.
Explosion proof design, safer structure
◆ The new design will install the main shaft inside the valve body, providing better explosion-proof protection and safer structure
Дизайн безперешкодного доступу
◆ Труба не перешкоджає, коли клапан відкритий для підключення труби
◆ Пристрій фіксації сідла клапана можна встановити на підставці, щоб значно зменшити вібрацію труби.
Two way flow, can be installed at will/The structure of the whole valve port is matched with the inner diameter of the pipe fitting, with large flow, small resistance and no pressure drop
(PDF)Two way flow, can be installed at will/The structure of the whole valve port is matched with the inner diameter of the pipe fitting, with large flow, small resistance and no pressure drop
(PDF)Швидкий опис
◆ Applicable refrigerant: compatible with new refrigerants including HFOs and combustible refrigerants.
◆ Максимальний робочий тиск: 9 МПа.
◆ Applicable medium temperature: -30℃~+120℃.
◆ Applicable environment temperature: -20℃-+60℃.
◆ It only needs to rotate 1/4 turn(90°)from full open to full close, with rotation limit from full open to full close;
◆ Only need to turn 1/4 round to open completely from closed
◆ With limit switch either full open or full closed