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xavfsizlik Tutqich alyuminiydan qilingan bo'lib, undan foydalanish qulayroq bo'ladi. Sof mis yadrosi, xalqaro standart 1.6 aniqligiga muvofiq.

SBF-T-536I could be the solution that we have got continued to emerge within the foreign industry and accomplished superior reputation. Our HVAC controls products, pipe fittings and refrigeration fittings advertising and marketing network at all over the World regions. Far more than ten years, we have created into a high-volume, multi-function in the traits, it might completely meet the requirements from the SBF-T-536I industry.


aloqada qiling

Biz bilan bog'laning

Bizga qo'ng'iroq qiling 0575-87697789 yoki bizga elektron pochta orqali yuboring [elektron pochta bilan himoyalangan]